Monday, June 11, 2018

Music Day Outing

What's a little Dox Fox to do when mom has the house filled with fiddle students?  How about  a trip to the park and the library?  That's just what we did.

First stop was the park to do a little exploring.

Fiona caught the scent of a wild critter and tracked the little bandit to his hideout.  This is the first raccoon the Fox has seen up close and personal.  No barking, but definitely on high alert!  Good girl Fiona!

It's rhododendron season here in the Pacific Northwest and the park has some real beauties.  Some of the blossoms were just starting to fall.  Perfect photo op for the Fox.

Off to the library.  

All of the Library staff love Fiona.  She is a perfect girl while we browse the books.  We always make a quick stop at the main circulation desk for everyone to say hello before heading out.  She is the perfect little service dog ambassador.

On this trip to the library we noticed a new service dog sign that was posted at the front door.  I can't help but hope that Fiona had something to do with that.  It is always great when a REAL service dog pays a visit to the library so everyone can see how they should behave while working.  

It was a great afternoon trip.  

"Good Girl" Dox Fox!

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